LOVE CODE relationship workshops

Relationships can be complex and mystifying…

2024 Love Code Relationship Workshops:

We’re excited to announce three new workshops for 2024: 

  • March 16 – 17, Narrabeen NSW (Non-residential)
  • June 8 – 9, Narrabeen NSW (Non-residential)
  • September 13 – 15, NSW (Residential, venue TBC)

We welcome your questions and enquiries by email or phone. Also we invite you to join our Facebook page for more regular updates and insights. 

couples love code relationship workshop craig tunnell and annie looby sydney

Hoffman Process senior facilitator Craig Tunnell gives an understanding of the dynamics that develop in relationships and how the Love Code workshops can help revitalise your relationship with your significant other.

More about the Love Code Relationship Workshops

The Love Code Relationship Workshops are created and facilitated by Craig Tunnell

Relationships can be complex and mystifying. As we move beyond the heady ‘intoxication period’ of early relationship many couples experience a gradual deadening of their love and intimacy. There is over time, an often unconscious moving behind our respective protection layers, as our needs and feelings are denied or repressed and our conflicts not resolved or even spoken about. We focus on other important areas of our life like children or work whilst avoiding addressing the issues, disappointments and resentments that may be simmering underneath. When these aren’t addressed the intimacy of the relationship starts to suffer and instead distance and conflict begin to develop.

Despite our best intentions we are faced with feelings and conflicts that are difficult to understand or resolve. Because of our lack of relationship training we feel unskilled and even afraid to address these issues head-on. Our lack of effective relationship knowledge and skills stands in the way of us creating the love we want.

The Love Code workshops equip couples and individuals to create relationships that are loving, alive, intimate and respectful. The workshops help decode the challenging areas of relationships and provide maps and tools to understand and navigate the complex terrain of relationships. In the workshops we discover our own relationship behaviour patterns and how these impact our relationship style and the way we perceive our partner. We learn how to bring ourselves into a more centred ‘adult’ place and from here, learn how to communicate respectfully and effectively.

As they develop these skills the couple can actually grow closer through the successful working through of their issues together.  Through this we are able to keep intimate pathways open with our partner and the love is able to flow.  

The workshops help participants learn how to keep a sense of their individual selves while being close and connected with their partner. You will learn how to work through conflict, overcome distance and build an attuned intimacy. A reconnection develops that is deeper, safer and more authentic.

The workshops are both educational and experiential in their approach.

We attended the Love Code workshop needing some help to reconnect and communicate better within our marriage, and to learn some new tools to help prevent our marriage from becoming stagnant. Craig brilliantly and compassionately facilitated a warm, safe, receptive environment for us to get the support we needed, and to help open our hearts and minds to ways we can nurture our relationship. We would highly recommend this workshop to any couple having some struggles, or any couple wanting some help to prioritise and improve their relationship.

Emma and Rob

“Craig’s Love Code workshop is a must for anyone struggling in their relationship. He’s a master facilitator who creates an atmosphere where you can relax & get clear about the painful blocks to love we all unconsciously carry & play out in our most intimate relationship. All done with his great ability to bring lightness & humour to sensitive issues. You’ll definitely laugh, you may cry but you’ll be in safe hands to learn how to reconnect, change & regain what feels lost. A way to fast track couples therapy. Transformational, inspiring, energising work.” – Jules

“If you have the opportunity to attend one of Craig’s worships, recognize it as golden and grab it. He is a person of immense wisdom, kindness, candor, truth and warmth. He’s also very funny. He shines a gentle light on the parts of ourselves that cause chaos and pain, and he has the egoless and profound skills to offer insight, direction and ultimately liberation. I can’t speak more highly of him as a therapist or a person. After being in his sphere I always feel enriched.” – Zoe

Craig’s Love Code workshop has changed my relationship and my life. Over the course of one weekend, my partner and I gained the insight and skill to overcome the barriers that had made our relationship more of a battle ground than a loving union. Craig provided a safe and accepting space to air relationship troubles. Having other couples and individuals at the workshop gave valuable insights into their relationships and provided reassurance that the conflicts and struggles we experience are shared by others from all walks of life. Craig has a deep intuition for when to keep the session deep and engaging and when to switch it up to light and fun. The new skills we practised with our partners worked immediately – swords were laid down and love flooded back in. I highly recommend the Love Code workshop as a gift to anyone you care about. Heck, gift it to yourself! You deserve it. – AJ

All Rights Reserved 2023 Craig Tunnell